Press Release

Captured and Codified: How human expertise is fixing the skills gap using AI

Sabu Samarnath
Sabu Samarnath
1 min read

We are irretrievably losing vital skills because many organisations keep their expertise locked in silos. This means valuable business acumen, skills and expertise are lost forever when the last cohort retires. Codifying human expertise is therefore useful for getting around the skills gap and preventing knowledge-silos.

It is vital to find a way of catching and categorising human skills so that organisations can quickly scale their pool of expertise to meet new demands even during a skills shortage. The key is to create familiar, user-friendly methods of explaining, recording and visualising the reasoning behind everything from insurance claims decisions to checks on meat imports.

To find out more, read the full article Captured and Codified: How human expertise is fixing the skills gap using AI, on Technology Business Today.

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