Press Release
2 October, 2019 0 min read

What if machines could teach themselves?

One of the big conundrums with AI is the paradox that it will help solve the skills shortage across many sectors but will require skilled…
Press Release
2 October, 2019 0 min read

How AI can simplify mergers and acquisitions

CTO of Rainbird, Ben Taylor, is featured in IT Pro on the importance of auditability in automated M&A decisions: “If a financial institution gave incorrect…
Press Release
2 October, 2019 0 min read

Full robo-advice ‘impossible to regulate’

For financial services, a lack of transparency in AI means it is almost impossible to regulate. Our CTO, Ben Taylor, explains to the FT Adviser why this…
Press Release
12 June, 2019 1 min read

Rainbird wins big at the AIconics

The Rainbird automated decision-making platform has achieved new heights within the financial services sector, with applications spanning from consultative bank agent to fraud detection to a world-first…
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