Release Note

Rainbird v4.14: Prevent errors when renaming or removing relationships and concept instances

Michael Price
Michael Price

A new version (v4.14) was deployed to the Rainbird environment on Tuesday 13th June at 5pm BST.

This release includes:

  • Expressions: An update to prevent errors when renaming or removing relationships and concept instances that have been referenced in an expression. If a name is changed, the expression will be updated with the new name. If the relationship or concept instance is deleted, the rule that references it will be removed as it will no longer be valid.
  • Concept instances: The order they are shown in the Studio will reflect the order they will display in a dropdown when presented to an end-user. In the next release, we will introduce the ability to reorder this list so there’s more control over the end-user experience. 

Version 4.14 is available in the Community platform should any regression testing be required.

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