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Risk Detection

Proactively detect risks in your business

The risk detection blueprint is a guide to efficiently building a Rainbird solution that codifies complex risk factors to proactively identify previously hidden risks at scale.

Rainbird empowers organisations to codify their risk factors within almost any domain in order to continuously monitor for them. It unlocks new value through increased efficiency, expanded market access, and greater customer lifetime value.

With automation you can detect risks and weaknesses, determine the appetite for risk taking, and decide on the appropriate risk-management approach, at scale and with accuracy.

Use cases

Know Your Client (KYC)
As a provider of services, automatically identify the risks represented by new customers to a higher level of detail.

Detect credit risk
Automate credit decisions by applying powerful risk models to application data to deliver higher-quality outcomes with an audit trail that explains each.

International Revenue Share Fraud (IRSF)
Provide mobile network operators with automated fraud monitoring. For example proactive tracking of; roaming calls, deviations in usage behaviour and international traffic to high-risk destinations.


  • Enable risk experts to maintain their own risk models without a complex software cycle every time something changes.
  • Accurately reflect your risk appetite to a level of detail not possible with other rules engines or score cards, leveraging internal expertise that truly reflects your business values, strategy, risk management and culture.
  • Anticipate, predict and observe risks rapidly, based on the combination of internal knowledge and multiple data sources.
  • Continuously monitor risks, tailoring the response and mitigation to maintain solid controls while ensuring assessments are easily traceable, explainable and auditable.

Find your Blueprint

If you want to find out more about the next-best-action blueprint, contact us for a demo.